Westside German Shepherd Rescue of Los Angeles is a non profit 501(c)3, no kill rescue committed to saving
all types of German Shepherd Dogs from high kill shelters and adopting them to loving, qualified homes.

Sidney von Solms

Sidney von Solms is the most adorable 18 month old mix of cuteness. Want a fully-grown dog that will always look like a puppy? Come meet Sidney! This huggable munchkin will absolutely make you squeal in delight and is the perfect size for a lap dog. Sidney is low-to-mid energy and the easiest dog we have on leash (his small size definitely helps!) He walks in the cutest bouncy way, as if he is so happy to be out of his kennel. Sidney’s favorite pastime is chasing little critters, so you can be assured that your yard will be critter-free! He absolutely loves exploring and will walk right next to you with his head up high. He also meets dogs and other people very well on leash, and will avoid very pushy dogs. Sidney is a sweet, gentle, calm boy, who loves sitting in the park with you and receiving affection. In his playgroup, Sidney continues to delight us, since he meets every dog in there like a perfect gentleman. While nervous and confused in the beginning, he eventually says hi to the dogs and then comes back to hang out with us. Sidney would make any family very happy and he sure hopes he gets to go home soon.


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